Comprehensive Testing & Certification Services

Having worked with clients ranging from small start ups to major aerospace and automotive companies, we understand that our clients’ needs are different at various stages of product development. At Calcate we provide bespoke engineering testing and certification services to support you throughout the life cycle of your project.

Selecting the right materials is a critical first step in the design and manufacturing of structural parts defining their properties, performance and reliability. We assist our clients in all stages of development from material selection, coupon testing to product certification testing.

Materials Testing Services

An accurate FE model requires accurate material cards. At Calcate we can create accurate material cards of various materials including metals, plastics, and composites. We work with our clients to create standard material cards or new materials driven by new environments, new technology, or new supplier.
Our engineers can assist you in:

  • Material Selection: Select optimum materials in cost, properties, performance, and supply chain.
  • Material Testing: Liaison with 3rd party test houses for coupon and part testing.
  • Material Characterization: Create complete and accurate material models using data from coupon tests or literature with elastic-plastic, strain rates, thermal & failure models
  • Material Database: Create a centralized and approved database (including files) of materials to be used by all engineers to increase accuracy and consistency.

Development & Certification Testing

During the product development and certification phase, our engineers provide testing assistance including:

  • Plan development and certification activities
  • Testing at 3rd party test houses that we have strong relationships with
  • Review test data and correlate FE models


Our certification engineers work with your team to plan, coordinate and facilitate communications within your company and with the regulatory authorities. We help our clients from project inception to certification, performing the following:

  • Deriving certification requirements
  • Ensure testing standards, certification procedures, and specific requirements are met.
  • Planning of project process, approval, and execution of product tests
  • Prepare reports and certification documents.

Let’s Talk About Your Needs

See how our advanced engineering services can bring value and innovation to your project.